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General Discussion / Re: Remaking Norse Wars as Stand-alone Game?
« Last post by pftq on August 03, 2020, 06:12:33 AM »
Thanks good to hear from some of you. I'll post things here as I start later in the year.  I have some things I started a few years ago when I was attempting to outsource the game, but that didn't go anywhere (hence why I'm looking at doing it myself now).

Here's some temporary stuff if you're curious.  If anyone wants to help with website/art/etc, feel free. (screenshots are actual from test UE4 maps I did a few years ago, disregard the kickstarter, no longer relevant)

Almost forgot but I actually composed a remix of the Norse song at the beginning of the game as well:
General Discussion / Re: Remaking Norse Wars as Stand-alone Game?
« Last post by MilkmanMatty on July 28, 2020, 09:00:39 PM »
Super keen to help out. I should note that almost all of my game-dev experience was back in 2016-2017 and was Unity based. I do mostly web-based programming (front, back, database etc) these days but I'm no stranger to software either.

Working with UE4 sounds super fun and interesting and I am keen to help out. Worst-case scenario I can make a pretty gnarly website for the new game haha :D
General Discussion / Re: Remaking Norse Wars as Stand-alone Game?
« Last post by HiC_Mona_Lisa on July 27, 2020, 01:28:43 PM »
I wish I would know programming but sorry I can't help in that department,but to this day I think it was the best game ever with all those wonderful players.  :) :) :)
General Discussion / Re: Remaking Norse Wars as Stand-alone Game?
« Last post by pftq on July 26, 2020, 12:14:38 PM »
Not sure how many of you are around, but I've spent enough of the past couple years doing UE4 stuff that I feel comfortable making a game from scratch now if there's enough interest to collaborate on a Norse Wars remake.  To do Norse Wars justice, it's going to be a lot of work, so I don't think I'd want to tackle this solo.  But I've done enough now that I can personally do most everything including the multiplayer networking.  Not something I'm planning to tackle in the immediate term, but just putting feelers out there to see what kind of interest + help I could get later in the year.
Fort Wars (Age of Empires 3) / Re: Asians in Fort Wars
« Last post by Boatright on March 12, 2020, 09:06:33 AM »
Have Asians become more viable in Fort Wars?
General Discussion / Re: What is Everyone Doing These Days?
« Last post by ThomasFurtado on June 27, 2019, 12:59:45 PM »
What's everyone doing with and which one is the best these days? I'm mainly compare alternatives of phentermine doing algorithmic stock trading, with programming, music, and animation on the side.  Trying to alternatives my way back to game development.

These days I am busy with my office work. hardly I am able to spend my time with my family. It is now rare that we go to the lake for fishing and I enjoy it with my daughter.
General Discussion / Re: What is Everyone Doing These Days?
« Last post by RogerLee on May 30, 2019, 06:07:09 PM »
Good stuff.. I'm in New York and i found these stories about phentermine otc doing finance-y stuff haha haven't had much time for gaming these days  :(

Anyone still playing?

It was then that these questions seemed to take on new meaning and new importance. What was I doing here? What was my purpose?
Fort Wars (Age of Empires 3) / Re: Is the ladder down?
« Last post by Gonzalez on March 27, 2019, 06:01:50 AM »
What AOE3 version and what map version?

I honestly like these insulated hunting boots and see a few games but mostly months back.  Nothing's changed on my end, but with ES having disbanded and all, can't be sure how well they're still running things.

Is this ladder completely abandoned at this point? Or are there still people that actively play?
General Discussion / Re: What is Everyone Doing These Days?
« Last post by Liam on October 01, 2018, 12:35:05 PM »
Doing job and different activities but i am doing programming
General Discussion / Re: What is Everyone Doing These Days?
« Last post by Amir on October 01, 2018, 06:05:24 AM »
I am doing a job
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